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Sometimes great questions for a community are also quiet ones.  We live in a time when questions about ethics have proved momentous. Older questions of liturgical approaches remain. We avoid political questions, wisely, though they exist.

But the question I have been thinking about recently grows out of the following fact. A generation of lay leadership in our diocese was the fruit of the spiritual power of Cursillo. It was born of the lay witnessing in the rollos and continued in fourth day gatherings etc.  I appreciate the important efforts of by our Cursillo leadership to find new ways to present and format the weekend for a new generation. But the wider question is this:  what form does spiritual renewal take in the present moment, renewal that will bear fruit in a new generation of lay leadership?

Clearly the place to begin is by praying for renewal. I commend this calling to all of you. I know that our own evangelist, Carrie Headington, is hoping to develop a network of intercessors across parishes to this very end.
