Pathway to Holy Orders

12.10.17 | Holy Orders

    Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    Greetings in Christ! At the heart of the Christian life is listening to the word of God. We begin sometimes to listen to the word found silently throughout creation (Psalm 19); but most importantly we do so as we listen to the Scriptures. They tell us who we are as well as where and when we live.  Then through them Jesus Christ calls us to follow Him as disciples. As by the Sea of Galilee, there is found our first discernment. 

    It may now be that you feel called to live out that discipleship in the form of ordained ministry. We are glad you are exploring this. Whatever answer you and we hear, your faithfulness and attentiveness offer their own reward from God. You will need to find an honesty and openness about your own personality and gifts.  Throughout it all you will be required to repair to the divine grace.

    The hearing of this specific call of God’s is both inside and around us, both individual and corporate.  That is where your parish church and the Commission on Ministry come in.  They too are seeking to listen to God’s voice. They are best understood as cooperating with the aspirant in this work of listening. In this way the “Pathway” is best understood as a spiritual path, one defined by a rich doctrine of the Church and the Holy Spirit. Throughout, no matter the outcome, may we hear Christ's voice:  “Ephphatha, be opened” (Mk 7:34).

    Faithfully yours,

    The Right Rev. George R. Sumner

    Bishop of Dallas

    For a complete overview of our discernment process please read the following: 

    Pathway to Holy Orders