Renewal Weekend Launches

06.14.18 | Homepage

    It’s nearing time to kickoff the first newly revamped Cursillo weekend, now called Renewal Weekend. The program is going through a test-run in June 29 through July 1, in Waxahachie to allow organizers to determine if there are final tweaks needed. This particular weekend also tests a hotel/church model where participants stay at the Hampton Inn but go to St. Paul Church for worship. Other weekends will occur at the Episcopal camp in the Fort Worth diocese.

    The newly created weekend is shorter and participants have the option of having a single room. There is also a new emphasis on how to grow spiritually once the weekend is over, such as plugging into ministries at the home church and connecting with existing small group discussions. The weekend will still include spiritual discussions, prayer and a social hour, but there will be less emphasis on crafts, singing and surprises.

    Cursillo was created in the 1940s in Spain, became a worldwide movement among Christians in many denominations as a way to lead others to Christ. However, during recent years attendance waned, and participants noted the program needed refreshing. A task force created a renewed program, now called Renewal Weekend. The event is three days instead of four, and people can attend as often as they would like. There is more time for reflection and guided prayer, and the 12 talks, which is the backbone of the curriculum, has been combined into eight lectures. Here is a sample schedule:

    Day one: Friday evening participants and their sponsors are welcomed to enjoy dinner together. The teaching begins after dinner and participants consider where they are in their relationship with God. The day ends with the Way of the Cross and a time of silence.  

    Day two: Morning prayer and an introduction to reconciliation focuses the teachings on how living a Life in Christ relates to individual ministry. The day includes an instructed Eucharist and a block of guided free time for further exploration on a variety of spiritual disciplines. 

    Day three: Morning prayer begins Sunday, focusing on Apostleship and sharing faith with others. The weekend closes with a Renewal of Baptismal Vows.

    The guided break will offer participants free time to reflect, return to their room, walk or attend breakout sessions on prayer. Those sessions might include:

    The Examen: An updated approach to daily reflection.

    Prayer Room: A meditative environment with candles and soft music.

    Anglican Rosary: Learn how to make and pray the rosary.

    Lectio Divina (Divine Reading): Learn this traditional Benedictine practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer intended to promote communion with God and to increase the knowledge of God’s Word. It does not treat Scripture as texts to be studied, but as the Living Word.

    Praying in Color: Introducing an active, visual and meditative form of intercessory prayer.

    Journal Writing: Learning methods of journaling a conversation with God.   

    While there have been changes made to the programming, the goal is still the same which is to prepare people for a life centered on small groups, living a mature Christian life in Christ, as an active witness for Christ in the world.