Resolution B012 Update

Feast of Christ the King
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Greetings in Christ. I am writing to announce that the Rt. Rev. Wayne Smith, Bishop of Missouri, will be the visiting bishop for the three parishes which have requested access to the trial use rites for gender-neutral marriage according to Resolution B012. He has been a leader in the area of liturgy in our Church. Bishop Smith is a person of humor, intelligence, wisdom, and faith, and I am grateful for his heart to help us in this way. He is also a Texan happy to minister in the Lone Star State! The following link provides more biographical information about the bishop:
I am confident that we will be working collegially for the sake of the thriving of all the parishes in the Diocese of Dallas. I have provided Ascension, Transfiguration, and St. Thomas with a protocol for Bishop Smith’s work with them. Both he and I share the hope that the three parishes will continue to invite me annually to come to preach, teach, and share in worship.
All the costs associated with this arrangement will be borne by the diocese; the parishes’ obligations and privileges within the Diocese of Dallas continue unchanged.
This new arrangement goes into effect on Advent 1. We look forward to welcoming Bishop Wayne among us.
The Rt. Rev. George R. Sumner
Bishop, Diocese of Dallas
cc: The Rt. Rev. Wayne Smith