Episcopal Diocese of Dallas

Convention 2021: Resolution and Canonical Change Submission  Due Date: September 7th

Convention 2021: Resolution and Canonical Change Submission Due Date: September 7th

Tuesday, September 07, 2021, 4:00 PM

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The 126th Annual Meeting will be held at Parish Episcopal School

4101 Sigma Road, Dallas, 75244

on Saturday, November 6, 2021.


The below link will take you to the Secretary of Convention's memo detailing the process for submitting canonical changes and resolutions.

The 126th Annual Meetingwill be held at the Parish Episcopal School, 4101 Sigma Road, Dallas, 75244 on Saturday, November 6, 2021.

The Constitution requires that proposed new canons or alterations or amendments to the Constitution and Canons be submitted in writing to the Secretary of Convention no later than sixty (60) days before the meeting of the Convention. No newamendments or alterations to the canons may be considered at the Diocesan Convention except by unanimous consent of the Convention.

Submission of proposals for new canons and for proposals to alter, amend, or repeal existing Canons of the Diocese of Dallas must be delivered either by email ( ), mail, or by hand no later than the deadline date, noted below.

Likewise, Resolutions (see format example on following page) are requested no later than the deadline so that they may be included in the pre-convention materials that are distributed to all parishes and missions in advance of the Convention. For resolutions received after the deadline, itwill be the responsibility of the presenter to provide copies for all delegates of the Convention.

DEADLINE:Tuesday, September 7, 2021,at 4:00 p.m.for all Proposed New Canons,Alterations or Amendments to the Constitution and Canons,and Resolutions

Your proposals should be addressed and submitted to:


Diocese of Dallas

c/o Amy Wooten

5100 Ross Avenue

Dallas, Texas 75206

Format for Submitting Resolutions

In order to simplify debate on resolutions during the annual convention, please use the following guidelines:

1) Descriptive Title

2 )“Resolved”paragraph

3) Heading “Rationale”

4) Explanatory information

5) Submitted by

6) Please do not use “Whereas”clauses