Enroll Now in Homiletics at Stanton Institute.

    12.02.24 | Homepage

    Learn how to speak the Word with confidence, and sign up for a class on Homiletics offered by the Stanton Institute and taught by the Rev. Paul Nesta, the rector of St. David of Wales in Denton. Explore the deeper meaning of scripture and share...

      From Egypt with Love: New Vehicle

      11.20.24 | Homepage

      Thanks be to God (and to the diocese), we have a vehicle!  With the birth of Azaryah, we weren’t all able to fit into a single Uber as we had for the first two years.  I had never heard of a Geely before I came to Egypt.  But...

        Diocesan Convention 2024 is a Wrap!

        11.15.24 | Homepage

        The 129th Annual Convention brought together diocesan churches from throughout North Texas within our vast borders that reach Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tarrant County and as far south as Corsicana. This year the convention celebrated the...

          From Egypt with Love: Into the Deep End


          October Post Into the Deep End Our kids are back to school after our return trip to Canada.  Four out of five are attending the Christian school across the very busy street on which we live.  Meanwhile, baby Azaryah spends quality...

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