Grand Opening and Dedication at St. Matthew's Cathedral

    05.17.24 | Homepage

    Join the Cathedral for the diocesan-wide celebration and grand opening of Garrett Hall and a special dedication of the Stanton Center. Bring the family and enjoy live music, food trucks, face-painting, lawn games, Cathedral tours, Cathedral...

      Mission Day 2024

      05.04.24 | Homepage

      Register here Join us for the diocesan-wide event Mission Day 2024 scheduled for May 4, at St. Matthew's Cathedral. The topic is particularly profound in the post-Covid world, The Great De-Churching: Who's Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What...

        From Egypt with Love: Adessah and Jonah

        05.01.24 | Homepage

          Happy Eastern Easter and belated Western Easter to you all! This post was meant to be Easter related but for now it will just be requesting prayer. Jonah was hospitalized last week for infections in his tonsils and ears. He is home now and...

          A Call to Joy

          04.24.24 | Homepage | by The Rev. David Houk

          A Homily for Presbyteral Ordination of the Rev’d Lous H.D. Harris Fr. David Houk. St. John’s Episcopal Church. April 20, 2024         A few weeks back, on Tuesday of Holy Week, the clergy of...

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