Stanton Institute Class: Thinking Systems: An Introduction to Bowen Theology in Life and Work
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Enroll now in this Stanton Institute class, Thinking Systems: An Introduction to Bowen Theology in Life and Work. Bowen Theory, formerly called Family Systems Theory, views the family and other systems as an emotional unit. This class will encourage students to begin a journey of more thoughtfully managing relationships in the setting of our families and workplaces, and especially ministry. Participants will be expected to read and respond to several short books and a sample of clinical essays, make a start in "mapping" their families, and present "cases" in their family and other systems.
This class meets from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Feb. 13, March 13, April 10, May 15, and June 19 at the Cathedral in the Vestry Room on the 2nd Floor.
Registrations are open until class begins, and the class costs $50.
The reading list for the class is as follows:
Roberta Gilbert, Extraordinary Relationships
Peter Steinke, How Your 21st Century Church Family Works
Victoria Harrison, The Family Diagram & Family Research (not available on Amazon: information on how to obtain will be given at first class)
Additional selections will be given in a course reader
This class is taught by the Very Rev. Rob Price who is Dean of St. Matthew's Cathedral and has served as a parish priest for 22 years. He has been working on self in the context of family and ministry for two decades and has given several presentations in clinical conferences in Texas and Chicago, as well as leading staff retreats and teaching the application of Bowen Theory in Community of Hope and in the community at large. He is married to Kate and they have three sons ranging in age from 19 to 26.
Register here.
Contact Erica for any questions at