Called to the Priesthood

My calling to the Priesthood was an exercise in God’s tendency to speak in the still small voice and work in quiet unseen ways. There was no one moment when I first heard the call or when I first answered it. Bit by bit, through out my childhood the seeds were planted. A Sunday School teacher suggested I consider the Ministry. The Pastor commented on a growing interest in theology during catechism class. My Grandfather engaging me in conversation about Christ and the Church. I suppose the closest thing I had to a “Damascus Road” was mid way through my time in High School. I thought I was destined to be an architect (I had always loved old buildings) but when I began to take drafting and some of the math needed for the subject, it didn’t ring true. The growing reality that this was not what I was “made to do” left me confused and even a bit dismayed. It was in the midst of this worrying time that someone (I don’t even remember who) asked me again if I had considered the Ministry. For the first time it fit, it sounded right. Though I didn’t know it at the time, the still small voice of God had called again and what could I do but answer? “Here am I, send me!” It has been a long journey, and not always easy, but I can look back and see his guiding hand sustaining and supporting me, and in fact teaching me and pushing me to grow the whole way long. For some God speaks in the fire, earthquake, or wind but I’m living proof that he doesn’t always, and that some are called by God in small ways that add up to big things. Listen closely and head the call.