Esprit Summer 2014


    Esprit is the official magazine of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas. The latest edition, Growing with God's Grace was published in the summer of 2014.

      A Legacy of Strength

      03.18.15 | by Kimberly Durnan

      This feature story was first published in May 2014 to honor Bishop James Stanton's retirement. Photo: Bishop Stanton, on the left, and Bishop Lambert, attend a retired clergy luncheon.

        Sage Advice From Those with Experience


        During a reunion luncheon of retired clergy in the Dallas diocese, former deacons and priests offered heartfelt advice to those newly ordained.

          Bass to Grace

          03.05.15 | by Rebecca Tankersley

          We've all been there. Maybe when you are reading the Bible, praying, or soul-searching during a time of quiet reflection. Intrusive thoughts interrupt your noble efforts and you are left thinking about the grocery list, or that the car needs gas...

            A Heart for Mission

            03.04.15 | by Kimberly Durnan

            This feature on Diane Stanton was first published in May 2014 in a magazine honoring former Bishop James Stanton who had just retired.
