A New Member Has Been Appointed To The Standing Committee


    Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    With the recent appointment of the Rev. Michael Gilton as Canon to the Ordinary, he thought it appropriate to step aside from his role as a member of the Diocesan Standing Committee.  We are grateful for Father Gilton's many contributions in the time he has served on the Committee, and suspect that in his new role he will continue to be part of our work as a Standing Committee.

    Article 10 of the Diocesan Constitution states that "Vacancies occurring prior to the expiration of the term of any member of this committee shall be filled by the vote of a majority of the remaining members of the Standing Committee, and the person so elected shall fill out the unexpired term of the member in whose stead such person was elected." 

    At our March meeting, the Standing Committee unanimously elected The Rev. Michael Michie to serve the unexpired term. We welcome the new Michael to succeed the old Michael as we continue our work serving the Diocese. Sincerely, The Rev. William Cavanaugh President, Standing Committee


    The Rev. William Cavanaugh
    President, Standing Committee
    Episcopal Diocese of Dallas