Answering the Call: Miguel Carmona

07.12.23 | Homepage

    Join us for this Q&A series and read about how it's going for some of our recent ordinands and their call to serve. 

    What church are you serving at, and what are you doing there?

    I am the vicar at St. Barnabas-San Bernabé Episcopal Church in Garland, TX.

    How long have you been there?

    Two Years

    What has been the most surprising aspect of this ministry?

    The embrace and support of the people, and their patience at my learning curve.

    What has been the most meaningful? 

    The way in which the community embraced my wife and me as newcomers.

    Since this placement how have you seen God’s presence in your life?

    In the way that, even though we came in the middle of a building project and a pandemic, how we have never once felt alone, because of the support of the people in the community but also because of the obvious presence of God throughout all of this.

    Since this placement how have you seen God’s presence in your parish?

    I have found my God in the stories of people who have decided to make this their church home as a result of our commitment to proclaiming the Good News.

    What is your advice to those discerning the call to holy orders?

    Do not be afraid. Know that God calls woefully unqualified people to do the high and holy work of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ and equips them to do this work. You are not alone.

    What are you most Thankful for in this role?

    Seeing little tastes of God and of his kingdom in the very day life of people.