Egypt and Vulnerability

03.07.24 | Homepage


    In order to qualify for its latest IMF loan, Egypt has once again devalued its currency.  It is hard to imagine how disheartening this is for the average person who is working multiple jobs just to feed their families. 

    Jennifer has recently started counselling Sudanese refugees with an agency here in Cairo.  This is another reminder of the need to thank God every day when one lives in a state of relative peace.  The challenging thing of course is that there are so few resources to help people who suffer from the traumas of war. 

    Recently our friend took his mother to a state hospital to remove a tumor from her pancreas.  The surgeon was obviously not prepared, and he ended up causing her death.  It is unreal, but he was demanding that the family go procure more blood from the blood bank as the surgery was going wrong.  Again, another reminder that life is fragile and always in God’s hands. 

    We are now two months away from the birth of our fifth child.  Please pray for health and safety as we draw closer to the due date.  Blessings in Christ.