Quasquicentennial Q&A: Good Samaritan in Dallas

03.05.20 | Homepage

    Name of Church: Good Samaritan Episcopal Church
    Location: 1522 Highland Road, Dallas, TX 75218. In the Little Forest Hills neighborhood near White Rock Lake
    Clergy: The Rev. Joel T. Hatfield, Vicar
    Rite I or Rite II: Rite II (except in Lent)
    Average Sunday Attendance: 27
    Special annual celebrations: Blessing of the Animals, All Saints Sunday, Blessing of Backpacks, Students, and Teachers.
    Choir, praise band or other musical styling? Just a humble keyboard, no choir.
    How many weekly services? One
    Favorite ministry? Our ministry to the students and families at Sanger Elementary School.
    When did your church start? 1965
    What do you want your people to know about your church? We are a diverse neighborhood church dedicated to worship, discipleship, mission, and community.