Hurricane Harvey Aid Update

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Greetings in Christ,

I remain in contact with the bishops of the dioceses suffering the effects of hurricane Harvey. As I get more information from the Bishops of Texas and West Texas, I will coordinate with them about how we can serve them through marshalling the combined ministry of EDOD.  Below is how they suggest we can best serve them now:

  •       Give through Episcopal Relief and Development       


  •      If you are so inclined, give directly to the affected dioceses 

 Diocese of Texas and Diocese of West Texas 

  •      Give blood

The Rev. Keith Turbeville, our Disaster Relief Coordinator, is my "point person" on our overall relief effort and response.  You may direct questions to him, and I am certain you will hear more from him soon on what our combined effort can and will be.

In the meantime, I reiterate my call that we all be in prayer for the people enduring by the devastation from hurricane Harvey.


A Word From the Bishop

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White conservatives – especially white Christian conservatives – should speak out openly against white nationalism and white supremacy. This is racism pure and simple, and it represents a frontal assault on the Christian gospel, a denial of human dignity and a subversion of our democracy.  -- Bruce Ashford, Dean, Southeastern Baptist Seminary, in an editorial for Fox News

We have all watched with horror the hatred and violence in Charlottesville.  Of course we defend the right of such despicable groups as the KKK, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis to demonstrate, and of course we look for  prosecution to the extent of the law for those who have violated it.  Of course we join hands, whatever our political persuasion, in rejecting the odious racism of such groups, and we look to our leaders to offer unambiguous repudiations as well.

This editorial really amounts simply to an ‘Amen’ to Dean Ashford’s comments. For he goes on to call especially upon white conservative Christians to stand up most decisively in their rejection of the racialism and provocation of such groups.  He makes it clear that this stand not simply based on political opinion but is rooted in theology.  The doctrines of the human being in the image of God, and of the Church gathered from every tribe, people, and nation, leave no room for such groups.  I would add that it becomes yet more imperative that we find ways to witness to the Gospel together as churches across racial divides in the communities where God has placed us.



