Hurricane Harvey Aid Update

Greetings in Christ,
I remain in contact with the bishops of the dioceses suffering the effects of hurricane Harvey. As I get more information from the Bishops of Texas and West Texas, I will coordinate with them about how we can serve them through marshalling the combined ministry of EDOD. Below is how they suggest we can best serve them now:
- Give through Episcopal Relief and Development
- If you are so inclined, give directly to the affected dioceses
Diocese of Texas and Diocese of West Texas
- Give blood
The Rev. Keith Turbeville, our Disaster Relief Coordinator, is my "point person" on our overall relief effort and response. You may direct questions to him, and I am certain you will hear more from him soon on what our combined effort can and will be.
In the meantime, I reiterate my call that we all be in prayer for the people enduring by the devastation from hurricane Harvey.