Christmas Letter From Bishop Sumner

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Greetings in Christ our incarnate Lord. What does the truth of the Gospel mean? It means, as a prime example, that what we hear this Christmas about the events of the nativity is real and historical, and that what they mean about who Jesus is can be trusted (though its full meaning is deeper than we can fathom). But the Word of God is so true that it can be so simultaneously and at several levels. It has a plenitude of meaning and truth.
So this Christmas let us think about God's power to make real in each of us what we hear about Bethlehem and Nazareth long ago. In hearing this news, He is born and grows to maturity in our souls as well - so the early Fathers of the Church taught. The Word, true in the world, is also true “pro nobis,” for us. This does not domesticate Him, any more than being a baby, but makes His Lordship even greater.
May the coming year, whatever it brings in the world and in your life, be just such a birth in you, spiritually and anew.