From Egypt with Love: Coptic Retreat Centre

    11.29.23 | Homepage

    It’s been a busy month. We took our family on our autumn visit to the Coptic retreat centre, Anafora. This is a wonderful family friendly, ecumenical monastic community. All the food is grown on their own property. They of course do lots of...

      The Rev. Nathan Webb Q&A

      11.16.23 | Homepage

      What church are you serving at, and what are you doing there?I am serving as priest-in-charge at St. James on the Lake, Kemp.  How long have you been there?  I’ve been here for a little over a year. Sometimes it seems like...

        Bishop George Sumner's Address to Convention

        11.09.23 | Homepage

        A month and a half ago, on a zoom meeting of the House of Bishops, the demographic news about our Church was yet more grim than we might have thought. The bottom has fallen out of the number of marriages, baptisms not far behind, ASA nationally...

          Convention: "We And They Are Christ in One"

          11.08.23 | Homepage | by Kimberly Durnan

          The theme of Africa in Dallas and Dallas in Africa reverberated throughout the diocesan annual convention where nearly 300 clergy and lay delegates gathered to approve the annual budget, elect board members and make other business decisions. The...

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