Cursillo Updates


    Leadership Conference The Cursillo Leadership Conference is a weekend of prayer, worship and formation designed to prepare participants for leadership in the Movement. The weekend is a refresher in the basics of the Cursillo...

      Episcopal Church Young Adult Service Corps


      The Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs  Application deadline extended for Episcopal Church Young Adult Service Corps   2016-2017 placements [January 11, 2016] The deadline for applications for the 2016-2017 placements in...

        Prayer Book Society


        Introducing Stirred up to Godliness Daily Prayer in Anglicanism A Prayer Book Society Colloquium at the Church of the Holy Cross, Herschel Avenue, Dallas on 20th January from 10 a.m. to 5.50 p.m. Daily Prayer is an intrinsic part of what it...

          Grand Opening at Incarnation for New Worship Space


          Church of the Incarnation in Dallas is celebrating the growth of its church and completed construction of its new worship space at 10:20 a.m., Jan. 10 in Heritage Plaza, the outdoor space between the church and welcome center.  Join...

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