Amando, liberando y dando vida


    Durante algo más de un año hemos estado hablando de ser la rama Episcopal del Movimiento de Jesús, y recientemente, alguien me dijo: “Como obispo, ¿por qué no nos pinta un cuadro, nos da una imagen del...

      Presiding Bishop Curry: The Jesus Movement


      Loving, liberating, and life-giving  We’ve been talking for a little over a year now about being the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, and somebody recently said to me, “As a bishop, why don’t you paint us a picture...

        National Church Plant Conference in Dallas


        Leaders of new church plants or missional initiatives along with applicants for Church Planting and Missional Enterprise Zone grants are invited to the inaugural Genesis Gathering of the Episcopal Church on Wednesday and Thursday...

          World Vision Exhibit at Transfiguration


          The next generation of World Vision mobile exhibit is scheduled to make a stop at Transfiguration Sept. 29 through October 2. This exhibit aims to inspire visitors to embrace Jesus’ call to be light in a dark world, to live out...

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