Presiding Bishop's Opening Remarks at GC


    When we gathered as a body three years ago, we were intensely excited about boldly going where only one man has gone before.  We authorized a study of how the Episcopal enterprise works, and how it might be renovated for its current...

      Women's Clergy Retreat


      Sign up for the Women's Clergy Retreat at Camp All Saints Oct. 11-13 for $195 including lodging, meals and guest speaker.

        Education for Ministry


        EfM provides a four-year curriculum that develops a theologically informed, reflective, and articulate laity who are prepared to listen for and respond to God's call. EfM helps lay persons discover and exercise their varied gifts for ministry in...

          Five Reasons churches should address hunger

          06.16.15 | by Dabney Dwyer

          Dabney Dwyer is the missioner of outreach for the diocese. She is an advocate for the poor and oppressed. She also serves on the leadership team of the Dallas Coalition for Hunger Solutions and co-chairs the faith-based action team.

          Life in Russia

          06.03.15 | by Carrie Headington

          Click video icon to hear EDOD Evangelist Carrie Headington talk about an upcoming guest in her speaker series, The Rev. Peter Mitskevich, principal of the Moscow Theological Seminary.
