On the Brink of Unity?


    Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and more than half of the Anglican Communion primates have travelled to Rome this week to celebrate a historic and significant milestone – 50 years since Pope Paul VI met with Archbishop of Canterbury Michael...

      Ministry Day: Forgiveness

      10.05.16 | by Kimberly Durnan

      Race, age, sex, tribe or country should not be our foremost identifier, Dr. Celestin Musekura told a group of about 30 clergy and lay leaders during a diocesan Ministry Day about forgiveness at Saint Michael and All Angels. “Our primary...

        Salvation and the Exodus

        10.05.16 | by Kevin Dodge

        The Exodus is the paradigmatic story of salvation in the Old Testament. What the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is to the New Testament, the Exodus is to the Old. In other words, it’s hard to find a more central story to the history...

          Coat Drive

          10.05.16 | by Annette Jenkins

          We ask that your congregation consider becoming part of our “prayerful hand up” ministry to these returning men by donating MEN’S winter coats and/or gently used or new shoes or work boots that are another critical...

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