Apply for Scholarship Funds

    02.06.25 | Homepage

    The Episcopal Diocese of Dallas administers the Lawrence Blake Scholarship, a trust fund that grants scholarships to students attending Episcopal schools, including colleges and K-12 schools.   Applications for this scholarship are due...

      Canon Carrie Headington Ordination Service

      01.17.25 | Homepage

      God Willing and the People Consenting The Right Reverend Dr. George R. Sumner Bishop of Dallas will ordain Carrie Boren Headington to the Sacred Order of Deacons in Christ’s One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church at 10 a.m., February...

        Christian Ethics

        12.11.24 | Homepage

        Christian Ethics Stanton Center Spring 2025 (five Saturdays, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.) Instructor: The Rev’d Canon Victor Lee Austin, Ph.D. Location: St. Matthew’s Cathedral, Stanton Center in Garrett Hall Jan. 18, Feb. 15, March 15...

          Church Planting In Celina

          12.11.24 | Homepage

          By the Rev. Drew Crowson, Church Planter in Celina. If you didn’t know, your diocese (which means you, really) is planting a church in Celina, Texas. Celina is the bleeding edge of the northward expansion of the metroplex, somewhere...

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