St. Francis to the Movies

    03.30.23 | Homepage

    By Tracy Jay Miller on behalf fo St. Francis in Winnsboro Early this month, 12 members of St. Francis and a few friends met at the Historic Lake Country Playhouse and Select Theater in downtown Mineola to view the film, "Jesus Revolution,"...

      From Egypt with Love, 8

      03.22.23 | Homepage

      If you've been following this blog, you'll know that, with the help of the bishop of Dallas, my wife and I recently moved our four kids to Egypt where I now work for the bishop of Alexandria in the Alexandria School of...

        EDOD Youth Summer Mission Trip 2023

        03.10.23 | Homepage

        REGISTER HERE SAVE THE DATE: We will be traveling July 15-23, to Copperhill, Tennessee to serve families living in the Appalachian area who live below the poverty line. Mission work will include construction projects, yard work, and...

          From Egypt with Love, 7

          03.03.23 | Homepage

          From Jeff and Jenn on mission in Egypt with the family: Here in Egypt the Coptic Church is the biggest.  Founded by St Mark during the Apostolic era, the church in Alexandria had a massive impact on Christendom.  The Old...

            Grant Writing Workshop

            03.03.23 | Homepage

            The Episcopal Foundation of Dallas (EFD) is accepting grant applications through March 31st for the Foundation’s annual 2023 grant cycle. Are you curious to find out more? Please join EFD Executive Director, Pam Jamieson and Grant...

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