Advent Round-up
Dec. 20, Incarnation in Dallas: Lessons and Carols -- ABOUT LESSONS & CAROLS: Our history of Lessons & Carols began in 1959. It has become a tradition within our parish to offer this service to our community every December featuring not only conventional readers such as choristers and our bishops but also community leaders from the arts, philanthropy, education, commerce, government and other religious organizations. The Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols was first held on Christmas Eve in 1918 at King’s College, Cambridge, UK. Almost immediately other churches adapted the service for their own use. Wherever the service is heard and however it is adapted, whether the music is provided by choir or congregation, the pattern and strength of the service derive from the lessons and not the music. “The main theme is the development of the loving purposes of God….” seen “through the windows and the words of the Bible.”
Dec. 21, St. Luke's in Dallas: -- Blue Christmas Service is scheduled for 7 p.m. at the church at 5923 Royal Lane in Dallas. The holidays can be a trying time for those of us who are sad or grieving. Something deep, mysterious and healing happens when we choose to worship God in the midst of our feelings of loss, or pain, or despair. When we choose to open that door to God, He comes in. When we carve out a little space, He enters in. When we pause, when we let our feelings be what they are, when we have enough courage to face the pain, God joins us in our grief. And He begins to heal.
Dec. 23, St. Matthew's Cathedral in Dallas: La Posada, Posadas are an important part of Mexican Christmas celebrations. The word posada means "inn" or "shelter" in Spanish, and this tradition re-enacts Mary and Joseph's search for a place to stay in Bethlehem. Posadas are held in Latin America on each of the nine nights leading up to Christmas, from December 16 to 24th. Posadas are held in neighborhoods across Mexico and are also becoming popular in the United States.
The celebration begins with a procession in which the participants hold candles and sing Christmas carols. Sometimes there will be individuals who play the parts of Mary and Joseph who lead the way, or occasionally images representing them are carried. The procession will make its way to a particular home (a different one each night) or a Church, where a special song (La Canción Para Pedir Posada) is sung.
You are invited to celebrate with us the traditional posada at the Cathedral Church of St. Matthew on December 23 at 7 pm.