Archbishop Justin Welby Calling on Prayer for Coptic Christians


    Archbishop Justin Welby has joined fellow Presidents of Churches Together in England in calling for prayer after the recent attack on Coptic Christians in Cairo.

    We heard with deep sorrow and concern of the attack yesterday on St Peter’s Coptic Orthodox Church within the complex of St Mark’s Cathedral in Cairo as people gathered to worship. We pray for those who have lost loved ones that they may know God’s comforting presence. We pray too for the nation of Egypt as it mourns. As we prepare once more  to celebrate the coming of Christ, the Prince of Peace, our prayer is that all people of faith in Egypt, Muslims and Christians alike, may be strengthened in their quest for peace and their rejection of the crude and cruel tactics of the terrorists.’


    Churches Together in England

    The Six CTE Presidents

    Statement and Interview from His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop for the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom: 11.12.16 

    Statement and Interviews from His Grace Bishop Angaelos, General Bishop for the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom, the day after the bombing, on 12.12.16.