Clergy Meet with N.T. Wright


    Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at St. Andrew's, author; retired Anglican Bishop and renowned speaker, N.T. Wright, will be discussing his newest book, "The Day the Revolution Began."

    This event is a "command performance for diocesan clergy.  Please RSVP to by October 30.   Youth ministers are also invited to attend, so please share this information with the youth ministers on your staff.

    The retail price for the book is $28.99. We have secured a group pricing for you of $12 per book.  If you want to purchase a book, email by 4 p.m., October 11.  Mail checks payable to "EDOD" marked N.T. Wright book and mail to the Diocesan Office at 1630 N. Garrett Ave, Dallas, TX  75206.

    Date:        November 15, 2016


    Time:        8:30 - Coffee, donuts

                     9:00 - Morning Prayer

                     9:15 - N.T. Wright

                   10:15 - Break

                   11:00 - Q&A


    Place:      Church of the Incarnation

                    Ascension Chapel