Episcopal Relief and Development - Syria
My Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
Our hearts have gone out to the refugees fleeing the disastrous hostility and persecution in Syria which has obviously created a monumental humanitarian crisis in Europe - feeding, housing, caring for hundreds of thousands of terrified and desperate people. Episcopal Relief & Development is working with other Anglican and ecumenical organizations to assist in this relief work. If you would like to support our work, please send your donations to Episcopal Relief & Development and ear-mark your gifts “Disaster Response Fund - Syria.” Monies can be sent either through your church or directly to Episcopal Relief & Development, P. O. Box 7058, Merrifield, VA 22116-7058.
Thank you for responding to the needs of our brothers and sisters. Together we can do our part to help heal a hurting world.
The Rev. Virginia Holleman
Diocesan Coordinator for Diocese of Dallas
Provincial Coordinator for Province VII