From Egypt with Love, 2
From Jeff and Jenn on mission in Egypt with the family:
Things have been busy. Our kids were off school for about a month. Much of our time was taken up with keeping them occupied — going down south to see the temples and so on. We also went back and forth several times to the passport office to get us all residency visas. This was a huge job, and I’m thankful for the diocese of Egypt’s help in all this.
We are thankful for :
- Daily safety and health
- The opportunity to develop relationships with the people around us
- Jeff's students and colleagues
- our Arabic teachers! (who Jenn spends hours with daily)
- What God is doing through our neighbours and in the lives of our neighbours
- Jonah's teacher Mr. Medhat (who has made every difference for Jonah)
We ask that you pray for:
- Clarity on where Jenn can serve in counselling (she is currently exploring some options)
- Wisdom and stewardship as we live as privileged people among those who are really struggling financially
- Developing a rhythm and getting settled in our lives here
- The many people from other non-arabic speaking regions in Africa who are seeking refuge here and looking for work/to move abroad. There are many families at our church who find themselves in limbo here - waiting to go to Canada or elsewhere.
Jeff and Jenn