Happening: A Christian Experience 2016


Happening: A Christian Experience 2016

    Happening plays an important part in developing young Christian leaders. If we desire our teenage church members to own their faith, learn to be articulate about it, and share it with others, we need to offer them ongoing opportunities to do so in addition to regular youth group meetings. Other activities within the Christian community, such as Sunday School, retreats, mission trips, mentoring, and participating and assisting at worship services, are also critical for a future life of faith and leadership.

    In her book Almost Christian, by United Methodist pastor Kenda Creasy Dean, she says committed Christian teens share four traits: They have a personal story about God they can share, a deep connection to a faith community, a sense of purpose, and a sense of hope about their future. Happening can be a powerful instrument for fostering all of these traits.

    Happening #159 will be November 18-20, 2016, at Camp All Saints, 418 Stanton Way, Pottsboro, TX, 75076. Officially named Happening: A Christian Experience, it is an international teen renewal program for Senior High students in grades 9, 10, 11 or 12, much like Cursillo is for adults. It was born right here in our diocese 41 years ago and has now spread around the world.

    Its purpose is to be one of the instruments within the Anglican Tradition to renew the Christian Church in the power of the Holy Spirit, in order that the Church may respond more readily to its call to spread the Kingdom of God throughout the world. It seeks to achieve this purpose by bringing young persons and adults to a more fulfilling personal knowledge of and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and to a deeper level of commitment and apostleship. There is a series of talks given by youth and adults, skits, songs and small group discussions and activities. These presentations focus on such subjects as faith, grace, prayer, the sacraments, mission, and Jesus Christ. In addition, there is time for fun, creating, and sharing. Clergy are present to assist with spiritual direction.

    The program begins on Friday evening at 7:00 P.M. when participants arrive, and continues until Sunday afternoon, around 3:00 P.M.

    To register for Happening, contact Deacon Pam Dunbar, pdunbar@edod.org by November 7. Space is limited to 24 girl and 24 boy participants. There may be a waiting list. The cost for this event is $80.00 per person. Do not bring checks or money; your church will be invoiced.

    All participants, students and adults, need to bring: Both a Registration Form and a Release of Liability Form (download them here), a Bible, a notebook or journal, sleeping bag or twin size bedding, towel, toiletries, flashlight, seasonal clothing including closed-toed shoes, and a refillable water bottle.