Honduras Mission Trip, Information Meeting

Honduras Mission Trip Information Meeting is scheduled for 6:30-8 p.m., Sept. 11, at Saint Michael and All Angels, Coke Activities Room, 8011 Douglas Ave., Dallas.
Join Saint Michael and All Angels Honduras Mission leaders for an evening of song, prayer, and information about the 2017 trip to Tela, Honduras. Everyone in the diocese is invited, not just members of SMAA. During the evening, information will be provided about the cost for each missioner going to Honduras, the projects the missioners will be doing while in Tela, and the requirements for going on the trip.
The mission trip to Tela, Honduras is an adult-focused mission trip that usually takes place during the month of February. Over the course of 7-8 days, parishioners travel to Honduras to work in partnership with the local parish and school. In addition to working with the community in Tela, parishioners also work alongside four other communities in the surrounding area. The bulk of the work completed by parishioners includes providing fluoride treatments for 500-600 children and construction projects that will assist the sustainability of the parish, the school, or the surrounding communities.
RSVP for the Honduras Mission Trip Information Session.
Contact information The Rev. Hunter Ruffin at 214-363-5471.