Making the Most of Advent and Christmas

11.30.15 | by Carrie Headington

Making the Most of Advent and Christmas

    Suggestions on sharing your faith this holiday season from EDDO Evangelist Carrie Boren Headington.

    *Pray for 3 people to reach out to during this season.

    *80% of Americans say their primary source of pain is loneliness

    *80% of Americans say if invited to church they would attend.

    *Make ADVENT and CAROL services EVANGELISTIC- preach the Gospel and have booklets on the faith available. “Why Christmas” booklets from “The Gift” from

    *Have on your parish website all of your Advent and Christmas events.

    *Make postcards, business cards, and e-mail invitations to give to friends, co-workers, family and those around you to invite them to your church.

    *Encourage all church members to give out 3-5 invitation cards (send e-mail) a week leading up to Christmas. Family, friends, neighbors, grocery, coffee shop etc.

    *When you serve the poor, invite your non- Christian friends.

    *Get some church friends together and have a Christmas gathering in your home for neighbors and non-Christians. Invite them to church.

    *At your small group Christmas party for church have each person bring a friend who does not have a church home. Let the friend know about the Christmas services as well as discipleship and seeker offering in the New Year at your parish.

    *Share “Why Christmas” booklets with others.

    *Be radical inviters. Radical hospitality.

    * Share the Christmas video on and Christmas Letter from “God to You.”

    *Go door to door and invite neighbors to church. Ask if you can pray for them. Pray. Give Christmas cookies.

    *At Christmas services have cards, invitations for New Year’s 2015 parish seeker and discipleship offerings. Have programming for seekers. (Alpha, Explore God, or Seeker Bible Studies by Salt Shaker)

    *Give a Christmas booklet on the meaning of Christmas at Christmas service or letter from “God to you” on You can print it. Or write your own.

    New Year

    *Have parish offerings for seekers to connect with God- Explore God, Christianity Explored, ALPHA (, Seeker Bible Studies (author-Rebecca Manley Pippert). Go to where they are- home, coffee shops, local hang outs.

    *Epiphany- God reaching the Gentiles with the Good News. Offer evangelism equipping resources, classes, sermons to help your people grasp their call and JOY to share their faith. Do an Evangelism Equipping series for small groups and Adult Education – (Suggestions – Natural Evangelism by Canon J.John, Walk Across the Room by Bill Hybels, Unbinding the Gospel by Martha Grace Reese) Hold an evangelism workshop at your parish – contact Carrie Headington at


    God has strategically placed you to be His ambassador. PRAY. WATCH. BE ALERT.