Mission Update: Dec. 10

12.10.20 | Homepage | by Cannon Evangelist Carrie Headington

    1. HELP NEEDED - Christmas Toys and Food – The Episcopal Diocese of Dallas’ Project US: Unite and Serve is partnering with South Dallas Churches and The Greater Dallas Coalition in distributing food boxes to areas of high poverty in our region.  The number of families asking for food and toys this Christmas has literally doubled. To give go to www.edod.orgdonate page or send check to The Episcopal Diocese of Dallas (MEMO: PROJECT US: Unite and Serve) 1630 N. Garrett Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75206. Questions contact Canon Carrie Headington at or call 903-399-3230


    1. Christmas Resource to Share with Others. Canon Carrie Headington has produced this Christmas letter about the gifts from Jesus this Christmas called  “To: You – From: God. Feel free to print and share at your churches and/or with your family, friends, and neighbors. Over 10,000 of these have been printed and are being distributed throughout Dallas food lines through our churches. Headington encourages us “We all need good news and the love of God this season. I encourage you to e-mail this letter and also print it off and share with people in your life. I personally hand it out everywhere I go from the grocery to my next door neighbor. Let’s spread some good news this Christmas.”  


    1. Volunteers Needed for Toy Distribution, December 18-24. 

    VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! If you would like to Volunteer at the Dallas International Street Churches Drive Thru Toy Giveaway please click the link below and register today. EDOD contact is Canon Carrie Headington at


    We will also be having a Virtual Volunteer Orientation on Saturday December 12 from 1pm-2pm. You can join the ORIENTATION by clicking this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87048419104
