National Church Plant Conference in Dallas


National Church Plant Conference in Dallas

    Leaders of new church plants or missional initiatives along with applicants for Church Planting and Missional Enterprise Zone grants are invited to the inaugural Genesis Gathering of the Episcopal Church on Wednesday and Thursday, November 16 and 17 at the Church of the Ascension, Dallas. The event is sponsored by the Episcopal Church’s Advisory Group on Church Planting.

    “The Genesis Gathering is a community of passionate, faithful people starting new Episcopal churches and worshipping communities,” explained Advisory Group member Rev. Zachary Nyein. “We are a community of practice that gathers online and in-person to share in learning, nourishment, prayer, storytelling, and fellowship.”

    The schedule and registration information are available here.

    The two-day conference begins Wednesday with worship and dinner, followed by introductions and conversations. Thursday will focus on roundtable conversations and networking.

    “This Genesis Gathering will have a particular focus on How to Get Started, what planters should do when they are at the very beginning of starting a new ministry,” noted the Rev. Jane Gerdsen, Advisory Group chairperson. “We will have talks and group sessions for people starting both traditional and nontraditional ministries.”

    Registration costs for the event are offset by the Episcopal Church’s Advisory Group on Church Planting. However, participants are responsible for their own travel and lodging.

    Register for the Genesis Gathering here.

    A block of rooms is set aside for Genesis Gathering participants at the following hotels listed here. 

    The next Genesis Gathering will be held in Spring 2017; info will be announced shortly.

    For more information contact

    Members of the General Convention Advisory Group and their dioceses are: the Rev. Jane Gerdsen, chairperson, Southern Ohio; the Rev. Valerie Bailey Fischer, Newark; Erendira Jimenez-Pike, Kentucky; the Rev. Michael Michie, Dallas; the Rev. Alex Montes Vela, Texas; the Rev. Katie Nakamura Rengers, Alabama; the Rev. Zachary Nyein, East Tennessee; the Rev. David Perkins, Lexington; the Rev. Canon Jesus Reyes, El Camino Real; Bishop George Sumner, Jr., Dallas; the Rev. Canon Janet Waggoner, Fort Worth. The Rev. Canon Frank Logue of Georgia and the Rev. Canon Tanya Wallace of Western Massachusetts are liaisons from Executive Council.  Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and President of the House of Deputies the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings are Ex Officio members.  The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers is staff advisor. The Rev. Tom Brackett is the staff liaison.