New Guidelines for Confirmation
Last fall, Bishop George Sumner appointed an ad hoc committee to set diocesan standards for Confirmation, especially of young people. The final result, A Guideline for Confirmation, is now available. This resource is for all leaders who are involved in preparing candidates for Confirmation. We kept in mind churches of all sizes, knowing that each place has its own style and tradition.
From the introduction: “The guide offers varying types of instruction: from basic to comprehensive preparation. There are many effective ways to prepare for Confirmation as well as a multitude of resources and methods. These guidelines are not meant to be an exhaustive list. These are tools, not rules.”
This is not a curriculum. It is meant to assist a parish in creating the best Confirmation preparation for its own specific setting. The committee considers this Guideline to be a living document. It can easily add any future resources and other suggestions offered by those who use it.
We are glad to share this resource, and look forward to comments and feedback.
In Faith,
The Confirmation Guidelines Committee:
• Deacon Pam Dunbar, Diocese of Dallas,
• Mother Kathy Garrett, St. Peter’s, McKinney,
• Emily Given, St. Michael and All Angels, Dallas,
• Father Michael Hurst, Church of the Savior, Allen,
• Toni Luc-Tayengo, Church of the Savior, Allen,
• Father David Miller, St. Matthew’s Cathedral,
• Jared Phares, St. Andrew’s, McKinney,
• Sarah Jo Skinner, Epiphany, Richardson,
• Matt Stroud, St. Nicholas’, Flower Mound,
• Jeanne Webber, St. John’s, Dallas,