Reading While Black: A conversation with the Rev. Canon Dr. Esau McCaulley
You do not want to miss out on this exciting continuing education opportunity for clergy and laity. Please join us for Reading While Black: A conversation with the Rev. Canon Dr. Esau McCaulley, scheduled for 10 to 11 a.m., April 28 on Zoom.
This event discusses hearing black voices amidst the noise, and the development of black ecclesial interpretation. The speaker will trace different strands of black theological traditions and how these manifested in the public sphere.
What does the Bible have to say to today’s pressing concerns and debates about racial justice, reconciliation, policing, equity, and equality? McCaulley thinks that the historic Black church’s way of reading the Bible opens up a great deal that the Scriptures have to say about these subjects and more, but that this voice has not always been heard well by the theological academy or by the wider church and culture. As he writes, “the Black ecclesial tradition has something to say that strikes a different note than the standard options often given to students of the Bible and theology.” This month, we’re very pleased to welcome Dr. McCaulley to share with us something of what that tradition of reading the Bible has to say.
The Rev. Canon Dr. Esau McCaulley (Ph.D., St. Andrews) is Assistant Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College, a priest in the Anglican Church of North America, and a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times. His book Reading While Black, for which he will draw for this presentation, was named Book of the Year by Christianity Today, and his writing can be found in numerous popular and scholarly publications. Recently, his work was the subject of a New York Times column by David Brooks.
We recommend that you read Dr. McCaulley’s book Reading While Black prior to this session, but please don’t hesitate to participate if you don’t have time for it.
This session will be recorded and available for viewing later, for those who cannot make the scheduled time: To RSVP for this event or to view at a later time please contact Laura Faulkner at by April 26, 2021. This is the eleventh in a series of continuing education offerings by the Diocese during this season of physical but not social and ecclesial distancing. Please join us!
We intend to have at least one if not two more of these Zoom continuing ed sessions, followed by a summer recess. As COVID restrictions, Lord willing, continue to be lifted, we will re-evaluate how best to reformat our continuing education offerings for the fall.
Please RSVP for this event, or to view at a later time, please contact Laura Faulkner at by April 26.