Resolution on Racial Justice and Reconciliation

02.10.21 | Homepage

    WHEREAS, the recent deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, and others have brought into renewed focus the urgent work left undone in confronting and rooting out the pervasive sin of racism and building the reality of equal treatment under the law for every American, and,

    WHEREAS, the Holy Scriptures reveal that every human being is created in the image of God and is thus endued with an essential and inalienable dignity; the divine demand for justice given to the prophets is particularly concerned with those who suffer at the hands of unjust legal systems administered by the powerful; and Jesus Christ, through his atoning sacrifice of the Cross and inauguration of humanity’s new creation in the Resurrection has broken down the barriers of hostility between all human persons, especially those based on race, and

    WHEREAS, through our baptism we take upon ourselves the sacred vocation of seeking and serving Christ in all persons, which includes honoring the witness of those who suffer, listening in humility to their testimony of injustice, and striving to address their needs,

    NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas condemns personal and institutional racism; repents of the sins of racism and complacency with political, economic, and social injustices committed against the poor and vulnerable; recommits itself to the ministry of reconciliation amongst all people as adopted children of God by grace through Jesus Christ; and pledges itself to be a part of a movement of the Holy Spirit in binding up the broken-hearted and setting the captive free through concrete acts that seek a justice and peace in which every human person and community can flourish.