Secretary to Convention Bob Buchanan Calls for Nominations to Diocesan Committees and Boards

06.04.24 | Homepage

    It's time to make nominations to diocesan committees and to also submit any proposed changes to the Constitution and Canons in preparation for the 2024 Diocesan Convention scheduled November 9, at Parish Episcopal School, 4101 Sigma Road in Dallas. 
    If you know someone who would be great in serving the Diocese on a committee, below are the following openings:
    Secretary of Convention, 1 Clergy or 1 Lay
    Standing Committee Members, 1 Clergy and 1 Lay
    Executive Council Members, 2 Clergy and 4 Lay
    University of the South Trustee, 1 Clergy
    President of the Disciplinary Board, 1 Priest                                                                                               
    It is important that the Nominating Committee, led by the Rev. Tom Smith receive suggestions and nominations representing the full breadth of our diocese; please prayerfully consider those you know who might be of good service to the Diocese.
    You can easily nominate here: 
  for the nominator  for the nominee
    If you have questions or have difficulties using the online access, please contact Amy Maceo at .
    The deadline for consideration of your nomination is 4 p.m., August 9.

    Nominations received after the deadline date, noted above, will not be printed in the convention booklet, and it will be the responsibility of the nominator to provide copies of the completed nomination bio to all delegates of the Convention.

    Secretary of the Diocesan Convention (see Canon 7)

    The Secretary for the Convention serves a one-year term and is responsible for the official record of the proceedings of the Diocesan Convention and other duties as stated in the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of Dallas.

    The Standing Committee (see Article 10 and Canon 6)

    The Standing Committee of the Diocese of Dallas consists of three priests (entitled to seats in the Convention) and three lay communicants (in good standing within their churches) from the diocese, elected by Convention for three-year terms. It functions as a committee of advice to the bishop and is called at the bishop’s discretion, or it may meet of its own accord. The Standing Committee gives consent for persons to become candidates for Holy Orders, consent for ordinations, and consent to elections of bishops in other dioceses. When there is no bishop, bishop coadjutor, or bishop suffragan, the Standing Committee becomes the ecclesiastical authority of the diocese. The committee meets the second Tuesday of the month.

    The Executive Council (see Canon 5)

    There shall be eighteen elected members of the Executive Council to be chosen at the annual convention by a concurrent vote of a majority of each order from the following categories: six members of the clergy, entitled to seats in the Convention, and twelve lay persons, who are confirmed communicants in good standing of Parishes and Missions in union with the Convention. Two members of the clergy and four lay persons shall be elected at each Convention for a term of three years. No member who has served three consecutive years shall be eligible for reelection until the lapse of one year after the expiration of his last period of service. The Executive Council of the Diocese of Dallas has as its purpose the administration of the missionary, educational, and social service work of the diocese. The Bishop is the executive head of this work. The Executive Council carries on the work of the Convention between meetings. The Executive Council submits the Proposed Budget to the Convention. The committee meets the second Tuesday of the month.

    The Trustee for the University of the South (see Canon 23)

    There shall be elected by the Diocesan Convention three Trustees of the University of the South, consisting of one clerical and two lay persons. One trustee is to be elected each year for a three-year term. Trustees to the University of the South are elected for a three-year term and may serve for two consecutive terms. A trustee who has served two consecutive terms may not serve again until at least one year after the expiration of the second term. Trustees meet for a mandatory meeting each year in October and an optional meeting each May at Sewanee, TN. The Board of Trustees is responsible for establishing the policies of the university and for the concurrence to the election of the vice-chancellor. Travel costs to attend the meeting(s) are generally the responsibility of the trustee, unless the trustee is unable to pay, and the Diocese may provide assistance. The pattern of election is one year lay, next year lay, and following year clergy.

    The President of the Disciplinary Board (see Canon 25)

    One (1) member of the Clergy canonically resident in the Diocese, nominated by the Nominating Committee or from the floor, and elected at Annual Convention shall serve as the President of the Board. The President shall be elected for a three-year term; except, if a person is appointed to fill a vacancy, the term of such person shall be the unexpired term of the person being replaced. The term of the President shall commence on the day following the adjournment of the Annual Convention at which such person is elected. No person shall be eligible for reelection as President for a year after the end of his third consecutive full term.