Sharing the Light of Christ with the Neighborhood, Spiritually and Literally

01.09.20 | Homepage | by The Rev. Tom Hotchkiss

    To cap off the traditional Feast of Lights candlelight service at Good Shepherd in Dallas on January 5, the congregation processed out the front doors and onto the lawn to watch and share a brief, professional fireworks show.  With the Hallelujah Chorus ringing, people watched and cheered for the festive, explosive display of lights in the sky in celebration of the Epiphany.  Originally funded by a few “wise men” who were recruited to help underwrite the expense, the annual display has grown into a staple for the church and the neighbors.  The YMCA next door graciously allows the fireworks to be staged from their soccer field, and the fireworks are professionally contracted and a permit is secured with the City of Dallas.

    One parishioner who has difficulty getting out and lives nearby said, “My family and next-door neighbors can step out the door and see the beautiful display…and I can say ‘it is my church sharing the Light of Christ with the world.’”  Originally designed as a service for youth and young families, the Feast of Lights and Fireworks now draws across all age groups and multi-generational families.  From the gathered worshiping community to people taking a break from exercising next door to neighbors stepping out into their yards to passersby stopping their cars and watching --- Epiphany is BIG at Good Shepherd, Dallas and so is Jesus, the Light of the World!