Speakers, workshops for Evangelism Matters Conference Scheduled
Speakers, workshops announced for Evangelism Matters
Episcopal Church Evangelism Conference in November
Live webcast available
Seating is limited; register soon
[September 15, 2016] Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will be the keynote speaker forEvangelism Matters, an Episcopal Church Evangelism Conference on November 18-19 in Dallas, TX. Other announced speakers include the Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, the Presiding Bishop’s Canon for Evangelism and Reconciliation.
Evangelism Matters is designed for anyone who would like to learn more about evangelism and available resources to share our faith. The churchwide event is co-sponsored by Forward Movement and the Presiding Bishop’s Office, and is hosted by the Diocese of Dallas and Church of the Transfiguration, Dallas, TX where the activities will be held. Spanish translation will be provided for all plenaries, worship and several workshops.
The schedule, registration and the growing list of workshops is here. In Spanish here.
In addition to the plenary speakers, the main panel presentation, What Is Evangelism?, will feature a group of Episcopal evangelists, including the Rev. Alberto Cutié, Diocese of Southeast Florida; Carrie Boren Headington, Missioner for Evangelism in the Diocese of Dallas; the Rev. Marcus Halley, Diocese of West Missouri; and Mary Parmer, creator of the Invite *Welcome* Connect program in the Diocese of Texas. The panel will be moderated by the Rev. Canon Scott Gunn, Executive Director of Forward Movement.
Workshops have been designed for those who are new to sharing their faith as well as for confident evangelists looking for fresh resources. Check here for updated list. Among the workshops and the presenters are:
Talking God Today: The Rev. Albert Cutié, rector of St. Benedict’s, Plantation, FL, Diocese of Southeast Florida.
Elevator Evangelism: The Rev. Casey Shobe, rector of Church of the Transfiguration, Dallas, Diocese of Dallas
Compassionate Evangelism: A Non-Judgmental Approach to Sharing Your Faith: The Rev. Canon Dr. Fred Vergara, Episcopal Church Missioner for Asiamerican and Pacific Islanders Ministries
How to Contextualize the Message of Jesus in U.S. Hispanic Cultures: The Rev. Luis Andrade, rector of St. Helena’s , Burr Ridge, IL, Episcopal Diocese of Chicago.
Home: From the Front Door to the Kitchen; An intersection of communications strategy, formation, and membership growth: Mike Orr, Director of Communications for the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado.
Our Stories Speak of God: The Rev. Hershey Mallette Stephens, Trinity Wall Street, New York
Social Media, Evangelism and Connecting with Emerging Cultures: The Rev. Canon Anthony Guillén, Episcopal Church Missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries
Invite*Welcome*Connect: Mary Parmer, Director of the Gathering of Leaders.
How To Make a Rocking Welcome Video on a Dime: Christian Anderson and Trevor Black, Episcopal Video Network (EVN)
Live webcast
Key portions of Evangelism Matters will be live webcast to allow for individual and group viewing during conventions, discussion groups, and local evangelism gatherings. The live, free webcast will be available here.
Sessions slated to be live webcast include
9 am – 10:30 am Central – Welcome and main panel presentation
10:45 am - Workshop (to be announced)
1:30 pm – Keynote address by Presiding Bishop Curry
2:45 pm – Workshop (to be announced)
7:30 pm – Eucharist: Celebrant is Bishop George Sumner of Diocese of Dallas and preacher is Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
9 am – Plenary on Testimony by Canon Stephanie Spellers
9:45 am – Workshop (to be announced)
11:30 am - closing plenary
Registration is available here. Space is limited; be sure to register soon.
Registration is $125 per person; deadline is October 15.
Registration does not include lodging or transportation. Lodging options are listed for attendees to make their own arrangements directly with hotels.
For more information contact Alyssa Finke at 800-543-1813,
afinke@forwardmovement.org; or Spellers at
sspellers@episcopalchurch.org; or Gunn at
Media inquiries should be directed to Neva Rae Fox, Episcopal Church Public Affairs Officer, nrfox@episcopalchurch.org, or Jason Merritt, Forward Movement Marketing Director, jmerritt@forwardmovement.org
Key Links
Evangelism Matters here
Evangelism Initiatives here
Episcopal Church here
Forward Movement here