Spiritual Theology 1 Class Begins in August 2022

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    Deadline is August 1

    Costs: Audit $300; Credit $400

    Mail checks to Stanton Center at 5100 Ross Avenue, Dallas 75206

    Check out the syllabus for the Stanton Center class, Spiritual Theology 1, Life in Christ: Ascetical Theology and Spiritual Practices. This is a wonderful class to audit or take for credit if you are exploring one of the Stanton Center certificate programs. The class is taught by Bishop Michael Smith and Spiritual Director Pat Stone and will be offered online and in person at Canterbury House 3308 Daniel Avenue in Dallas. Here is the syllabus: 

    An introduction to the basic elements of Christian spirituality, emphasizing the nature of the spirituality of Christian Scripture, and an analysis of Christian experience in light of Biblical revelation and Christian tradition.  The course explores the spirituality of the Book of Common Prayer and a variety of spiritual practices and techniques by application to the student's pilgrimage.  

    This course will answer the following questions:

    What happened to me at my Baptism? Where do I go from there?

    What are the expectations in scripture for a transformed life?

    What are the marks of a life lived “in Christ”?

    What are the spiritual practices used in Christian tradition?

    What spiritual practices are suited to my journey with Christ?

    How do I share my experience with others?

    Facilitators:  Bishop Michael Smith and Patricia Mackey Stone

    Requirements for those taking for credit; some will audit:

    1.     Regular attendance in-person or via Zoom and participation in class discussions.

    2.     Bring Bible and appropriate text to class.

    3.     The construction and development of a Rule of Life. Due January.

    4.     Two reflection papers of between 2 and 3 pages on the assigned readings to demonstrate what interests you and speaks to your own life with God. Due December and April.

    5.     Journal reflections of 200-300 words monthly consisting of life lessons that can be shared in class. Due monthly. 

    6.     A spiritual autobiography will be the final product for the class.  Due last class.


    Texts Required:

    NRSV Study Bible

    Gatta, Julia. Life in Christ: Practicing Christian Spirituality. New York: Church

    Publishing Incorporated, 2018.

    Gatta, Julia.  The Pastoral Art of the English Mystics. (New edition of Three Spiritual Directors)

    Leech, Kenneth.  Soul Friend:  Spiritual Direction in the Modern World. 
    Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse Publishing, 2001.

    Pennington, Basil. Lectio Divina: Renewing the Ancient Practice of Praying the Scriptures. New York: Crossroad, 1998.

    Pennington, Keating, Clarke. Finding Grace at the Center: The Beginning of Centering Prayer, 3rd Ed.  Woodstock VT: Skylight Paths Publishing, 2016. 

    Doyle, Leonard, trans. St. Benedict’s Rule for Monasteries. Collegeville, Minnesota:
    Liturgical Press, 1935.

    Julian of Norwich. All Will Be Well: 30-Day Journey with Julian of Norwich,  Ave Maria Press, 2008.

    Williams, Rowan.  Being Disciples: Essentials of the Christian Life. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B Erdman’s Publishing Company, 2016.

    Torgerson, Chad R. The Daily Examen Prayer Journal.  Assisi Media, 2021.


    Underhill, Evelyn. Abba.  New York: Moorhouse Publishing, 1981


    Brother Lawrence. The Practice of the Presence of God.  New Kensington, PA.: Whitaker House, 1982.


    Stone, Pat.  Daily Reflections on the Rule of Benedict. Via email.




    1.     August 20: What happened to me at my Baptism? Where do I go from there?

     ·      Gatta, Life-Introduction and Chapter 1: “Reliving Christ’s Death and Resurrection”

    ·      Gatta, Life-“Rule of Life,” pp. 179-184.

    ·      Leech, Chapter 1: Spirituality in the Present Climate”

    ·      Stone, Pat, Handout on Rule of Life


    Spiritual Practice: “Rule of Life.” (Pat Stone)


    2.     September 17:

    What are the expectations in scripture for a transformed life?

    What are the marks of a life lived “in Christ”?

    What are the spiritual practices used in Christian tradition?


    ·      St. Benedict’s Rule for Monasteries, Doyle

    ·      Pennington, Lectio Divina: Renewing the Ancient Practice of Praying the Scriptures.  

    ·      Gatta, Life-Chapter 4: “Prayer in Solitude,” pp 159-166

    ·      Stone, Pat, Daily Reflections on the Rule of Benedict


    Spiritual Practice: “Lectio Divina” (Michael Smith)


    3.     October 15:

    What are the expectations in scripture for a transformed life?

    What are the marks of a life lived “in Christ”?

    What are the spiritual practices used in Christian tradition?


    ·      Gatta, Life-Chapter 4: “Prayer in Solitude” (the rest of the chapter)

    ·      Gatta, The Pastoral Art, (The Cloud of Unknowing)

    ·      Pennington, et al, Finding Grace at the Center

    ·      Stone, Pat: “Quiet Prayer” (handout)


    Spiritual Practice: “Centering Prayer” (Pat Stone)


    4.     November 19:

    What are the expectations in scripture for a transformed life?

    What are the marks of a life lived “in Christ”?

    What are the spiritual practices used in Christian tradition?


    ·      Gatta, Life-Chapter 2: “Communion with Christ”

    ·      Gatta, The Pastoral Art, (Julian of Norwich)

    ·      Julian of Norwich, All is Well, 30 days of reflections


    Spiritual Practice: “Julian of Norwich and Christian Approach to Yoga Practice”

    (Mother Emily Hylden)


    5.     December 17:

    What spiritual practices are suited to my journey with Christ?

    How do I share my experience with others?


    ·      Williams, Being Disciples, Essentials of the Christian Life.

    ·      Sharing Rule of Life


    Spiritual Practice:  Community Gathering and Group Lectio: (Michael Smith and Pat Stone)


    6.     January 21:

    What are the expectations in scripture for a transformed life?

    What are the marks of a life lived “in Christ”?

    What are the spiritual practices used in Christian tradition?


    ·      Gatta, Life-Chapter 5: “Practices for the Journey”

    ·      Torgerson, Chad R, The Daily Examen Prayer Journal, 30 days of journaling.


    Spiritual Practice: “Prayer of Examen” (Marcia Hotchkiss)


    7.     February 18:

    What are the expectations in scripture for a transformed life?

    What are the marks of a life lived “in Christ”?

    What are the spiritual practices used in Christian tradition?


    ·      The Book of Common Prayer (please bring it to class)

    ·      Gatta, Life-Chapter 3: “Sanctifying Time through the Liturgical Round” (40 pages)


    Spiritual Practice:  The Use of the Book of Common Prayer, Confession and Self-Examination, Church Calendar, Sabbath in your Rule of Life:  (Michael Smith)


    8.     March 18:

    ·      Gatta, Life-Chapter 4: “Prayer in Solitude” (Revisited)

    ·      Leech, Chapter 4 and 5

    ·      Underhill, Abba.

    ·      Brother Lawrence, “The Practice of the Presence of God”

    ·      Pat Stone: “Handout-The Lord’s Prayer”

    Spiritual Practice: The Lord’s Prayer and the Practice of the Presence,

    (Pat Stone and Drew Crowson)


    9.     April 15:

    ·      Gatta, Life-Spiritual Direction, pp 184-192

    ·      Gatta, The Pastoral Art, (Walter Hilton)

    ·      Leech, Chapter 2, 3, 6

    Spiritual Practice: Spiritual Direction, (Michael Smith)


    10.  May 20:

    What happened to me at my Baptism? Where do I go from there?

    What are the expectations in scripture for a transformed life?

    What are the marks of a life lived “in Christ”?

    What are the spiritual practices used in Christian tradition?

    What spiritual practices are suited to my journey with Christ?

    How do I share my experience with others?

    Spiritual Practice:  The Body of Christ-Group Lectio led by Michael Smith and Pat Stone

    Share instances of spiritual development, insights and reflections through practices, journals and autobiographies. Consider next steps, ways to work in your churches.

    Schedule:  Monthly beginning in August 2022 through May 2023

     8:30 a.m. (Central) /9:30 a.m. (Eastern) Morning Devotion, Sharing of Journals

    9:30 a.m. (Central)/10:30 a.m. (Eastern) Review of Readings, Teaching

    10:30 a.m. (Central)/11:30 a.m. (Eastern) - Break

    10:45 a.m. (Central)/11:45 a.m. (Eastern) Spiritual Practice: Teaching and Practice

    11:30 a.m. (Central)/12:30 a.m. (Eastern) Class concludes

    (Schedule for every class but December 17 and May 20

    Still Need to Register? ENROLL HERE