Spiritual Theology II Class 2022

07.19.22 | Homepage


    Deadline is August 1

    Costs: Audit $300; Credit $400

    Mail checks to Stanton Center at 5100 Ross Avenue, Dallas 75206

    Check out the syllabus for the Stanton Center class, Spiritual Theology II, Introduction to Spiritual Direction as a Vocation. This is a wonderful class to audit or take for credit if you are exploring one of the Stanton Center certificate programs.  The class is taught by Bishop Michael Smith and Spiritual Director Pat Stone and will be offered in person and online. Those attending in person will meet at Canterbury House, 3308 Daniel Ave., Dallas 75205. Below is the syllabus: 

    An introduction to the basic elements of Anglican Spiritual Direction, elements of spiritual formation and the craft of supporting others as they mature in their Christian life.  This class is coupled with other Stanton Center courses required to receive a certificate of completion in Spiritual Direction. The course will include some lectures, a lot of sharing on the readings and sharing of reflections on readings and practices.  Success is dependent on active participation, reading and writing.  

    This course will make every effort to begin to answer the following questions:

    What is Spiritual Direction?

    What is Anglican Spiritual Direction?

    What does a Spiritual Director do?

    How do I become a Spiritual Director?

    What are the skills needed to become a Spiritual Director?

    What is spiritual discernment?

    Facilitators:  Bishop Michael Smith and Patricia Mackey Stone

    Dates and Times:  Saturdays, 9-12

    Beginning the 2nd Saturday in August 2022 and ending the 2nd Saturday in May 2023 with some adjustments as necessary.

    Requirements: For Credit Students

    1.     Regular attendance in-person or via Zoom and participation in class discussions.

    2.     Bring Bible, journal, and appropriate text to class.

    3.     The construction and development of a Rule of Life over the time in class.

    4.     Reflections of 200-300 words monthly from readings

    5.     Case study of prominent Christian leaders and their spiritual formation; class presentation in December 2022

    6.     Lead group lectio divina

    7.     Have a spiritual director

    8.     Learn, practice and write about one new spiritual practice per month

    9.     Write the story of your spiritual formation.

    10.  Have a personal Rule of Life

    Not For Credit Students:

    1.         Regular attendance in-person or via Zoom and participation in class discussions.

    2.         Bring Bible, journal, and appropriate text to class time.

    3.         The construction and development of a Rule of Life over the time in class.

    4.         Reading and reflecting with the class


    Texts Required:

    NRSV Study Bible, any edition or the NET Study Bible.

    *Chittister OSB, Joan. The Rule of Benedict: A Spirituality for the 21st Century. Crossroad, Second Edition, 2010. OR Sutera OSB, Judith. St. Benedict’s Rule: An Inclusive Translation and Daily Commentary.  Liturgical Press, 2021

    *Ball, Peter. Anglican Spiritual Direction. A Spiritual Directors International Book (New York: Church Publishing, 2007).

    *Calhoun, Adele Ahlberg. Spiritual Disciplines Handbook: Practices That Transform Us (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2005).

    *Michael Casey, Living in the Truth, (Liguori) 2001.

    *Foster, Richard. Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1989).

    *Fowler, James W. Becoming Adult, Becoming Christian: Adult Development and Christian Faith (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, an imprint of Wiley, 2000).

    *Thomas Keating, The Daily Reader for Contemplative Living.

    *Kenneth Leech, Soul Friend. (Morehouse Publishing, 2001)

    *May, Gerald G. Care of Mind, Care of Spirit (New York: HarperCollins, 1982).

    *Nouwen:  Any identified in the syllabus below:

    *Ruffing, Janet K. Spiritual Direction: Beyond the Beginnings (New York: Paulist Press, 2000.)

    *Any autobiography or biography of a noted Christian saint or person: approved by facilitator.


    Other resources:

    St. Bonaventure, The Triple Way or The Enkindling of Love.

    Jeff, Spiritual Direction for Every Christian

    2022-23 Sessions


    1.     August 2022: Reading must be done prior to the August class on August 13.

    Reading:  One of the following books by Henri Nouwen

                Life of the Beloved

                The Inner Voice of Love

                Flying Falling Catching

                Spiritual Formation



    Read Nouwen Book

    Reflect on his journey

    Connect with his journey



    ·       Begin to look closely at another person’s journey

    ·       Consider what it would be like to be that person’s companion.

    ·       Syllabus review, practice preparation


    Next Class:

          Reading Peter Ball

    Prepare one new practice

    Notes on Ball

    Choose auto/biography



    2.     September 2022:


    Take detailed notes on Anglican SD

    Share one new practice

    Identify auto/biography



    ·       Identify basics of Anglican Spiritual Direction


    Next Class:

    Read Leech

    Prepare one new practice

    Notes on Leech

    Begin chart on specifics of spiritual direction



    3.     October 2022:


    Take detailed notes on his approach to SD based on SD chart

    Share one new practice



    ·       Determine Leech’s view of SD


    Next Class:

    Read Ruffing

    Prepare one new practice

    Notes on Ruffin

    Continue chart


    4.     November 2022:


    Take detailed notes on Ruffin’s approach to SD based on SD chart

    Share one new practice



    ·       Determine Ruffin’s view of SD


    Next Class:

    Prepare presentation for class


    5.     December 2022:


    Complete reading of auto/biography

    Prepare 10–15-minute class presentation



    ·       Share insights from auto/biographies

    ·       Align with SD approaches


    Next Class:

    Read May

    Prepare one new practice

    Notes on May

    Continue chart


    6.     January 2023:


    Take detailed notes on May’s approach to SD based on SD chart

    Share one new practice



    ·       Determine May’s view of SD


    Next Class:

    Read Foster, Skim Calhoun

    Prepare one new practice

    Identify disciplines


     7.     February 2023:


    Map Foster with Calhoun

    Identify the five most important disciplines for SD based on what student has learned



    ·       Identify disciplines that support Christian growth and maturity


    Next Class:

    Read Fowler

    Create map of his stages


    8.     March 19:


    Read Fowler

    Create one page chart of his stages



    ·       Identify stages of spiritual growth


    Next Class:

    Read Casey

    Identify stages of spiritual growth


    9.     April 16:


    Read Casey

    Create one page chart of his stages

    Short lecture on Purgative, Illuminative and Unitive stages



    ·       Identify stages of spiritual growth-Benedictine


    Next Class:

    Listen to Thomas Keating,

    What is Divine Therapy?

    Part 1 and 2

    Identify stages of spiritual growth


    10.  May 21


    Class discussion

    Class evaluation





    ·       Identify the approach and the disciplines that each student will use in their practicum

    Next Steps: 

    Spiritual Theology III-Practicum


    Schedule:  Monthly beginning in August 2022 through May 2023


    8:30-9:30 Morning Devotion, Sharing of Journals

    9:30-10:30 Review of Readings, Teaching

    10:30-10:45 Break

    10:45-11:30 Spiritual Practice: Teaching and Practices



    Spiritual Theology 1

    Rule of Life

    Spiritual Autobiography

    Spiritual Director

    Monthly Expectations:

    *Daily lectio divina

    *Eucharist once a week

    *Meeting with Spiritual Director

    *Daily reflection on The Daily Reader for Contemplative Living

    *One new practice from the Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, Calhoun.