St. Luke's Provides Baby Shower for Refugee
Luke’s Episcopal Church provided a baby shower for one of Gateway of Grace's refugees and students. This effort was organized by Deacon Rosemary Trei. Several women from church participated in the event. The refugee for whom the shower was provided was Dil Chand, a member of one of the world’s most persecuted people groups, the Rohinga of Burma/Myanmar. She is married and has a very sweet boy about 4-years old. She was due to have a C-section April 5. Since the people are regarded by their own government as a “poisonous weed that must be exterminated,” they have had very little opportunity for education or anything else. Chand’s husband has almost no skill in English but needs a job to provide income for his family. He has a minimum-wage job. Chand’s English is quite good. I have found her to be highly motivated, smart, gentle and very grateful. She has a disabled right hand.
St. Luke’s provided all major items such as stroller/car seat, a pack-n-play, clothes and diapers. Cards with beautiful and encouraging notes added a personal and loving touch to the event. St. Luke’s provided culturally sensitive food, pastries, and punch. The ladies adorned Gateway’s school with beautiful decorations to make the event as festive as possible.
I had the opportunity to pray over the mom and the baby. The prayer was translated into Farsi as well.
Chand was completely overwhelmed by the love, care, and the amount of gifts. They were such blessing to her and her husband since life is very difficult for them. She teared up as she tried to voice her gratitude. It is an amazing thing to provide baby showers for women who are away from their family, have no ability to purchase new items for their babies, and have no community to celebrate the joy of a baby. It is powerful to provide love, hope, and joy to them in the name of Christ. Thank you for making Christ’s love known to them by supporting Gateway of Grace and events such as baby showers. Thank you, St. Luke’s!