Stanton Center Spirituality Classes

08.09.23 | Homepage

    The Stanton Center classes on Spirituality are for those who want to deepen their own spiritual practice or feel called to serve as a spiritual director.  

    1. Life in Christ: Ascetical Theology and Spiritual Practices
    2. Introduction to Spiritual Direction as a Vocation

    Beginning August 19, 2023

    1.  Life in Christ: Ascetical Theology and Spiritual Practices

    An introduction to the basic elements of Christian spirituality and a study of Christian disciplines that move the student further into the transformed and lived life of Christ.  This class will emphasize Christian experience in light of Biblical revelation and Christian tradition with Anglican and Benedictine spirituality as the foundation.  This class is scheduled from 12:30 p.m to 3:30 p.m., one Saturday per month for 10 months.

    Email  for registration  |   SYLLABUS 

    Schedule:  Monthly beginning in August 2023 through May 2024

    Session One: Morning Devotion, Sharing of Reflections on Text

    Session Two:  Review of Readings, Teaching

    15 Minute Break

    Session Three: Spiritual Practice: Teaching and Practice

    (Schedule for every class unless changed for Diocesan Calendars)

    Class Dates:  August 19, 2023; September 30, 2023; October 21, 2023; November 18, 2023;

    December 16, 2023; January 20, 2024; February 17, 2024; March 16, 2024; April 20, 2024;

    May 18, 2024

    2.  Introduction to Spiritual Direction as a Vocation

    An introduction to the basic elements of Anglican Spiritual Direction, elements of spiritual formation and the craft of supporting others as they mature in their Christian life.  This class is coupled with other Stanton Center courses required to receive a certificate of completion in Spiritual Direction. The course will include some lectures, a lot of sharing on the readings and sharing of reflections on readings and practices.  Success is dependent on active participation, reading and writing.  This class will run from 8:30 a.m - 11:30 p.m. one Saturday per month for 10 months.

    Life in Christ: Ascetical Theology and Spiritual Practices is a pre-requisite for this class.

    Email  for registration   |   SYLLABUS

    Classes are $300 per person without Stanton Center Certification credit  |  $400 per person with Stanton Center Certification credit.

    Schedule:  Monthly beginning in August 2023 through May 2024
    Session One: Morning Devotion, Sharing of Reflections on Text

    Session Two:  Review of Readings, Teaching

    15 Minute Break

    Session Three: Spiritual Practice: Teaching and Practice

    (Schedule for every class unless changed for Diocesan Calendars)


    Class Dates:  August 19, 2023; September 30, 2023; October 21, 2023; November 18, 2023;

    December 16, 2023; January 20, 2024; February 17, 2024; March 16, 2024; April 20, 2024;

    May 18, 2024

    Both classes are facilitated by Bishop Michael Smith and Patricia Mackey Stone  and are being offered by the Diocese of Dallas Stanton Center for Ministry Formation.