The Great Sacrament of Augustinian Marriage
Read the Rev. Dr. Jeremy W. Bergstrom's essay on marriage published on the Fully Alive website. Bergstrom is the Director of Vocations for the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas.
The Great Sacrament of Augustinian Marriage
The Fully Alive website is sponsored by the Communion Partner Bishops. Here's that group's published purpose: There is an important conversation going on about marriage today. It is happening in society. It is also happening in the Church. People are asking questions about what marriage is and what it is for. Fully Alive is a project by a group of Christians who are seeking to answer these questions deeply and prayerfully, while also considering some even bigger questions that lurk in the background of our conversation on marriage. What does it mean to be a human being? What does it mean to be a woman or a man? Is it possible for people who come to radically different conclusions about these things to live together with integrity in one society? What about in one church?