To Cursillo and Back
Sarah Hester offers a first-person account of her Cursillo weekend.
I had a spiritual void that needed to be filled, but still wasn’t sure what to expect at Cursillo 321. Well, God led me right where I needed to be. Cursillo filled that void, but also gave me the confidence, love, support and tools to begin building a life of faith on a sturdy foundation.
Of course, the work is just now beginning, but this task has such a sweet job description. The more I work, the deeper my faith. What a wonderful challenge!
I wrote this the Monday after Cursillo and I was warned to take the day off, that I would be exhausted and need time to rest and meditate. Yes, there was some fatigue, but I awakened without an alarm at 5 a.m., opened my new mobile app for morning prayer (with hymns), and proceeded to start my day in prayer. After three days of intense worship and study at Cursillo, I could not imagine starting the day any other way. This will be a daily habit.
I felt like I had wind under my wings all day long at work. When tempted to sigh or get a little testy with someone, there was a whisper in my ear “do you really want to do that,” and I changed my tune according to the Holy Spirit’s urging. I almost laughed out loud at how this just kept happening all day. I took time to check in with God during the day, saying a small prayer of thanks or one asking for an answer. What a refreshing thing to do.
The amazing thing is that I feel like a child of God, and loved just as I am for the first time in my life. But, I also feel challenged to live the Fourth Day to the fullest. I am not sure what that means for me but I know now that the only way to find out is to surrender my life to God and to trust that He will let me know.
Thank you everyone for all the notes of love and support. I cherish them and will be reading and re-reading them as part of my daily prayer. These are invaluable. And each one carries a message of love from not only the giver, but from God as well. I hope to thank everyone personally.”