Training for Christian Educators
The diocesan Christian Formation Commission is presenting “A Tool Box for Christian Educators” Workshop from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM on Saturday, February 4, 2017, at Church of the Transfiguration, 14115 Hillcrest Road, Dallas, 75254.
Christian Educators are busy with many parish programs that cover the spiritual formation needs of parishioners of all ages. So, whether its building faith with families, using social media to enhance your programs, planning adult formation classes, answering questions about Godly Play, or organizing Vacation Bible School, this event is for you and your church’s educator team.
The event will begin with our keynote speaker, the Rev. Canon Jordan Hylden, Canon Theologian, and continue with seven resource and idea-filled workshops:
- “The 2017 Vacation Bible School Showcase”, with Jen Edwards, Cokesbury Publishing
- “You Never Graduate from Sunday School: Keys to Adult Formation” with The Rev. Canon Jordan Hylden, Diocese of Dallas
- “E-Formation in a Digital World”, with the Rev. Erin Jean Warde, Transfiguration, Dallas
- “Creative Contemplation -Exploring the Bible through Art and Journaling”, with Jeanne Webber, St. John’s, Dallas
- “A Conversation about Women’s Programs for Spanish Speaking Congregations”, with Deacon Betty Barrios, San Barnabé, Dallas
- “Faith Begins at Home: Friendly Resources for Families”, with Meg Houk, Church of the Incarnation, Dallas
- “An Introduction to Godly Play” and “Godly Play for Current Patrons”, by Kathy Ross, Transfiguration, Dallas
Please bring a team from your church!
There is no charge for this event, but the organizers would like to know how many are coming from each church. Contact Kim Lanore, 214-826-8310 or to register.