World Vision Exhibit at Transfiguration

The next generation of World Vision mobile exhibit is scheduled to make a stop at Transfiguration Sept. 29 through October 2. This exhibit aims to inspire visitors to embrace Jesus’ call to be light in a dark world, to live out selfless love for the well-being of everyone, everywhere — especially for the most vulnerable.
During a 20-minute journey, you will witness despair and hope in a brothel in Southeast Asia, see how God is working in the midst of the Syrian refugee crisis, and join Christ in the midst of extreme poverty in Africa. You’ll be inspired and your eyes opened as you hear what Jesus hears, see what He sees, and come to understand that you are serving Jesus Himself when you come alongside those in the midst of today’s greatest needs.
Come journey with Jesus among those suffering in the margins of our world in the World Vision Experience. You’ll never be same.