
Today, Monday we visited education centers and Nazareth parish. The secondary school is the only one in the area. And covers years Senior 1 through Senior 4. This is the equivalent of ninth through twelfth grades. The school was built in 2018 and this year 5 students challenged the national exam. This is a huge feat!  The results aren't yet back, but even the fact they have written is a success. Nearby is the diocesan college and a diocesan vocational school. We watched some students practicing brick laying. We saw the facilities for this, carpentry, tailoring, computers, and general classroom space. The goal is to give young people marketable skills to provide for themselves and to give hope that will help keep them from trouble. The school has but six computers, insufficient for the number of pupils. They would love at least that many more (laptops running at least Windows 10 and able to support Office). This, too, is part of raising the educational level of the people and raising up the whole community. The diocese has taken the initiative in many programs, starting at the very basic level and then increasing as they are able. Part of the plan is to add a department of agriculture to the college, and they already have orange trees to help with the sustainability of the programs. They want to be able to give graduating students the tools they'll need to exercise their trade so that they can put these skills to use. There is much to share about these things. They are truly inspiring. There are certainly partnership opportunities, and much we can learn, too. The parish we visited today is made up of self-described "peasants." Last year they laid the foundation for a new, permanent church building. The four parishes of the deanery are working together to plan for the future and to do the practical work of fundraising and labor to see these through. Tomorrow we are to participate in a community wide day of fasting and prayer. I expect that will bring many of its own stories. Until next time...