New Missioner for Congregational Growth and Development


    The Rev. Kevin Martin has accepted the call to serve as the diocesan missioner for congregational development. He is a former dean of St. Matthew's Cathedral in Dallas. For nine years, Kevin served as the congregational development...

      Hunger Solutions for the Faith Community


      Learn more about how your church can address hunger in your community, by attending the Hunger Solutions breakfast scheduled from 8:30 to 11 a.m., June 2 at St. Matthew's Cathedral, 5100 Ross Ave., in Dallas.  Join the Faith Community...

        Farewell Letter

        05.14.16 | by The Rt. Rev. Paul E. Lambert

        It is with mixed emotions that I sit here and contemplate my farewell message to our beloved diocese. On the one hand, there is a certain melancholy as I anticipate life without our friends and church family. Over the years we have been richly...

          "I Leave With a Sense of Joy"

          05.14.16 | by Kimberly Durnan

          Clergy and parishioners bid goodbye during a bittersweet Farewell Mass for retiring Bishop Suffragan Paul E. Lambert, who had served nearly 40 years in the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas. The service took place at Church of the Transfiguration...

            Episcopal Church Evangelism Matters Conference


            The Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs  Save the date: Episcopal Church Evangelism Conference in November Save the date: Episcopal ChurchEvangelism Conference in November Evangelism Matters [May 13, 2016] Save the dates...

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