Dallas Bishops Respond to Governor Abbott's Action


    Texans are not known for being fearful, but for their generous hospitality and big-hearted welcoming. In fact "Texas" means friendship. Texas is great precisely because of the great diversity of backgrounds represented in its...

      Happening: A Christian Experience 2016


      Happening plays an important part in developing young Christian leaders. If we desire our teenage church members to own their faith, learn to be articulate about it, and share it with others, we need to offer them ongoing opportunities to do so...

        New Beginnings Retreat 2016


        New Beginnings offers students in junior high a chance to get away and refocus their spiritual lives. At this stage of their faith development, these young people are beginning to understand what it means to live a life of Christian gratitude and...

          The Costly Faith of Abram

          09.20.16 | by Kevin Dodge

          The calling of Abram in Genesis 12 is a foundational text for Christians. Abram obeys the voice of God by leaving his country and his relatives, and receives a series of remarkable promises which have proved central to Christians. God promises...

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